The Library Review - In the Company of Women By Grace Bonney

in the company of women book cover

I certainly have read many books in the hopes of learning something about the world of entrepreneurship before I became a small business owner myself. How to Show and Sell Your Crafts by Torie Jayne, Starting an Online Business for Dummies, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Selling Your Crafts on Etsy and of course, the ever-popular Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso, are just some of the books I read in order to become better versed in the world of entrepreneurship.

It was after I had read all those books on small businesses that I picked up a copy of In the Company of Women written by Grace Bonney. Ms. Bonney is the Founder of Design*Sponge, a successful website that covers the creative community that was launched in 2004 and will be in operations until late 2020. As some people can attest, there can be quite a steep learning curve when it comes to mastering all the skills that are necessary to run a small business. Thus, there will be many budding entrepreneurs who will find In the Company of Women to be a helpful and inspirational resource on learning more about the craft of entrepreneurship. After all, it is a book that contains interviews with over 100 female artists, makers and entrepreneurs.

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One of the key strengths of this book is that it truly features a diverse group of women business owners from a broad spectrum of different industries. There are profiles of some already well-known female business owners, such as Anna Bond of Rifle Paper Co., Joy Cho of Oh Joy!, Roxane Gay who is a professor and writer of several well known books and fashion designer Eileen Fisher who is the Founder of Eileen Fisher, Inc. However, there are also interviews with plenty of lesser known women business owners. Featuring these lesser known business owners allows this book to put a spotlight on their businesses and highlight the different and lesser known industries that they work in. Aside from diversity, this book is truly a book that also values inclusion and demonstrates what true inclusivity could look like.

Whether they are artists, illustrators, fashion designers, interior designers, musicians, writers, chefs or restaurateurs, each of these women who are profiled in the book offers the readers insightful glimpses into their professional lives. Along with photographs of their work environment, these women give the readers glances into their creative process, disclose what drives them, open up about what they have learnt on their way to becoming an artist or maker and reveal the obstacles and difficulties they have faced on their path to success. They also offer some advice to the future generation of entrepreneurs.

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In addition, scattered throughout the book are some inspirational quotes and advice from these female trailblazers. With so many diverse women featured throughout the book, there is bound to be something that intrigues or inspires something within for many people. Below is just a small sampling of some inspirational quotes and thoughts from these women.

“The world could always use more people who are interested in lifting up others, not only themselves.” - Christy Turlington Burns, Activist and Model

“Nobody knows better what you’re capable of than you. Trust yourself. Trust your ideas.” - Tina Roth Eisenberg, Graphic Designer and Entrepreneur

“The World needs more questions and fewer answers.” - Kate Bornstein, Author, Performer and Activist

“The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to prepare for the long haul, the rise and fall, and let neither define your sense of self.” - Karen Young, Product Designer and Entrepreneur

“Grow organically. Don’t get ahead of yourself.” - Eileen Fisher, Fashion Designer and Entrepreneur

The variety of the women featured in this book allows the reader to completely understand the depth of diversity that exists in the worlds of female entrepreneurship and business. In fact, one could even say that it is this diversity that allows their worlds to thrive and flourish. Above all, what this book truly demonstrates is that there is no one set way to becoming a successful artist or entrepreneur. In fact, there are truly many definitions of and paths to success and that is good news for the next generation of entrepreneurs and small business owners.

In the Company of Women by Grace Bonney. Excerpts taken from In the Company of Women by Grace Bonney. Principal Photography by Sasha Israel. Published by Artisan.



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